
So, you may have noticed that this site hasn't updated in a dog's age. Well that is because, yet again, I am redoing the site layout! So, if you are a fan of this layout, I apologize, but you may look forward to a very shiny new interface along with a dragon.

Welcome to the official website of Tania Richter, sometimes artist, often novelist, and full time student. If you managed to stumble on this site while researching wind energy, unfortunately you won't find much here unless you want to try to harness energy from the flapping of a dragon's wing, but if you're looking for novels and short stories, you're in the right place!

NaNoWriMo is entering its final days, and I am now down to less than 8000 words left to write before 50,000!

The website has relaunched with an entirely new design and set up. I've added in a few more functions to finalize the site, including a flash reader for a couple of the short stories I've finished. Enjoy the new layout and pictures!